Community Safety

Apartment Safety: 5 Ways to Stay Safe While Renting

May 26, 2021

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Community Safety

Apartment Safety: 5 Ways to Stay Safe While Renting

Apartment complexes tend to give off an illusion of security. Oftentimes, apartments have gates or require visitors and residents to buzz in at the lobby. But, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, apartment renters – especially those in smaller apartment complexes – are more likely to experience crime. 

Let’s look at five apartment safety tips that will help keep you and your belongings secure.

Tip #1: Lock up

Many apartment break-ins are crimes of opportunity. Eliminate that opportunity by ensuring all doors and windows remain locked and deadbolted, even while you are home. If the landlord allows it, make sure to install new exterior locks upon move-in. This guarantees that former tenants do not have access to the unit.

If your unit has a sliding door, consider purchasing a security bar. Sliding doors pose a threat because most lack a substantial locking mechanism. Address this risk by placing a wooden dowel on the slider to jam the door from the inside. 

Tip #2: Create the illusion that people are always home

According to the FBI, most home break-ins occur during the day when people are away. Apartment residents can deter would-be thieves by making it look like people are home in those dangerous hours. 

Always close your blinds before leaving, but install preset timers on indoor lights. The lights will make it appear as though people are moving around inside, and prospective home intruders won’t be able to see through the blinds for proof. 

For apartments that open to the outdoors, leave the porch light on. Not only will it appear as if people are home, but it will also provide an illuminated path upon your arrival back home. 

Piled up mail can also clue in criminals to extended absences. Get to know your neighbors and ask them to bring in any packages or letters you receive while you’re away for longer periods of time. 

Tip #3: Choose your parking spot wisely

Parking decks and parking lots offer a prime location for crimes to occur. If possible, choose a parking spot that is well-lit and monitored by a security camera. 

Do not linger outside of your vehicle; have your keys out and ready to unlock the car when you approach it. Lock the car as soon as you are inside.

Stay aware of your environment. Avoid walking to and from your car while distracted. Remaining observant plays an important role in personal safety. 

Tip #4: Install an alarm system

Alarm systems are a great deterrent for thieves and home invaders. In fact, homes without alarm systems are three times more likely to be broken into. 

Due to difficult installation processes, alarm systems were previously overlooked by apartment residents and renters. Now, most companies make wireless, apartment safety-friendly versions. Some wifi-enabled alarm systems even allow you to configure the settings through an app on your smartphone. 

Tip #5: Encourage your apartment complex to invest in a security camera system

Despite renters’ best efforts, apartment safety remains a recurring problem. Because most trespassing occurs without the presence of a witness, identifying the suspect can be an arduous task. In fact, the FBI reports that out of every 100,000 property crimes committed, only 343 result in arrest. That’s less than 0.01 percent!

Avoid falling victim to the crime statistics by setting up security cameras in your apartment complex. Talk to your property manager about the benefits of installing a license plate recognition (LPR) camera to improve safety for the entire complex. LPR systems capture crucial, objective evidence that gives police officers the leads they need to solve crime.

Flock Safety’s LPR camera system have been proven to accelerate investigations and have aided in the investigation and resolution of thousands of property crimes. When placed at the entrance and exit of an apartment complex, Flock Safety’s LPR cameras can be an extremely effective way to reduce crime and keep the entire community safe. 

Ready to secure your apartment complex and feel safer? Schedule time to learn more about the Flock Safety security camera system today.

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