Law Enforcement

How a Real-Time Crime Center Can Improve Public Safety in Your Community

December 19, 2022

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Law Enforcement

How a Real-Time Crime Center Can Improve Public Safety in Your Community

How a Real-Time Crime Center can improve public safety in your community 

A quick and well-coordinated response from first responders is essential for every community in times of crisis. The more information police enforcement and other emergency services have before arriving at an emergency occurrence, the better. When authorities have no way of accessing pertinent information as an incident unfolds, they risk jeopardizing the integrity of an investigation and potentially exposing themselves and bystanders to considerable harm.

License plate reader (LPR) cameras, a vital source of real-time intelligence for law enforcement, operate round-the-clock, contribute to better case outcomes, and strengthen both officer and community safety. 

Flock Safety empowers law enforcement agencies to curate the technology that provides the real-time intelligence they require to act with confidence and drive better outcomes. This technology includes Flock Safety detection devices like ALPR and audio detection. But it also includes third-party devices and data streams from live video cameras (IP, TPZ, drone, etc.), CAD platforms, Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) patrol GPS, traffic conditions, and more. 

That’s why Flock has gone beyond providing the best LPR camera on the market, to developing a cloud-based software platform that consolidates all these points of intelligence in one centralized hub, while simplifying the distribution of actionable intelligence and evidence to officers and first responders in the field. 

Unlike traditional camera and RTCC systems, Flock Safety designs these cloud-based tools to integrate with a department’s existing toolkit, cuts down on setup and infrastructure costs, and provides better situational awareness — all at an affordable cost. Because every community benefits from a more effective police response to each and every emergency call.

The evolution of solving real-time crime 

Real-time crime response in the absence of modern technology requires a substantial investment in heavy infrastructure and skilled personnel. Thanks to developments in both technology and law enforcement practices, police officers and investigators no longer need to huddle around multiple screens, chase evidence from disparate systems, or rely on antiquated methods of communication for intel and dispatching of resources when responding to mission-critical incidents. 

The Real-Time Crime Center functionality provided by Flock Safety’s integrated, cloud-based software solutions gives law enforcement teams access to a digital archive of critical information that is more easily filtered and evaluated alongside other data sets within a powerful platform. The best LPR camera, traffic and security cameras, record management systems, and other tools seamlessly integrate to give police access to readily available pertinent data.

Building a digital RTCC with Layered Intelligence Records management systems and computer-aided dispatching are already commonplace in law enforcement organizations. Furthermore, many RTCCs across the country leverage Flock Safety detection devices like LPR cameras and gunshot detectors. However, for smaller agencies, building out a comprehensive, brick-and-mortar RTCC isn’t feasible because of budgetary and staffing constraints. In order to extend the benefits of an RTCC to all law enforcement agencies, regardless of budget or headcount, Flock Safety’s cloud-based software platform enables LPR cameras and Raven gunshot sound detectors to cooperate with already-existing tools and platforms, such as traffic cameras and live video feeds. This allows a heavy level of integration with minimal IT burden, and it allows departments to scale their toolkits at their own pace.

Automating accurate information-gathering like a RTCC in the cloud

Flock Safety’s software filters real-time intelligence data and, when combined with police fleet GPS capabilities like automatic vehicle location, gives the dispatch operator an interactive map that delivers the highest level of situational information so they can deploy and correctly inform the nearest available officers.

GPS technology helps law enforcement investigate crime trends and improve outcomes.

A cloud-based Real-Time Crime Center in action


When a gun fires, the sound can ring far from the scene. In an effort to report an incident and voice their concerns, residents from all around the community may call emergency services, but their effectiveness in directing cops to the correct scene is ultimately limited. Eyewitness accounts can be beneficial. However, the time required to interview them‌ is ultimately a detriment to your overall pursuit. Plus, the accuracy of their testimony ‌depends on the emergency response time. In fact, as the emergency response time increases, the chance that witnesses or victims will accurately identify the suspect decreases. The technology embedded into your RTCC can gather dependable evidence that can corroborate eyewitness accounts.

A live situation happens fast. Like a RTCC in the cloud, Flock Safety’s online platform automates the distribution of real-time incident intelligence to help police respond with precision and agility. Flock Safety’s Raven audio and gunshot detection device and advanced computer vision alert nearby Flock Safety cameras to capture potential suspect vehicles, which may be the source of gunfire. Furthermore, with Flock Safety’s integrated live video streams and video management system, detectives can review, replay, and download video footage nearby the incident for stronger evidence and case clearance. Police can use these intelligence points and the interactive dispatch map to estimate the suspect's direction of travel. Like a traditional RTCC, Flock Safety enables dispatchers to place patrol units in the suspect's path, aiding in the offender's prompt apprehension and arrest. 

Over time, these innovative technologies can help decrease gun violence altogether.

Real-Time Crime Center and your existing tech

Traditional, brick-and-mortar, highly staffed Real-Time Crime Centers are primarily accessible to metropolitan area departments with substantial budgets. Flock Safety’s cloud-based software enables departments of any size to leverage existing local and national infrastructure, including frequently used law enforcement tools like radio, computer-aided dispatch, traffic management, evidence capture, video management, automated vehicle location, and records management systems, and more in a concise, actionable way. 

Other beneficial integrations include

  • Flock Safety license plate reader (LPR) camera
  • Flock Safety gunshot and audio detection devices
  • National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database
  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) database
  • Flock Safety Camera Sharing Network - Access 1B+ plate reads per month
  • Shared Custom Hot Lists + Deconfliction Lists with other law enforcement agencies
  • Live Video Streaming and Video Management (public and private)
  • Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)
  • Computer Aided Dispatch
  • Internal and proprietary interfaces to map and deploy assets and other resources
  • Axon’s
  • Acon’s Fleet 3 Mobile ALPR

When a wanted suspect passes by one of the Real Time Crime Center's integrated systems, such as Flock's best LPR camera, the Real Time Crime Center notifies law enforcement

3 ways Flock Safety’s Situational Awareness Solutions lowers costs and boosts results, with or without an RTCC

best lpr camera
  • Saves working hours; improves case clearance rate

Combining better data with fast, actionable delivery increases overall case clearance and decreases crime rates. Flock Safety’s cloud-based software platform provides law enforcement agencies with relevant intelligence, quickly. This makes it possible for them to respond safely and logically without sending more responders into the field than needed. It also conserves resources while information is being gathered. Accessing the most pertinent information when it matters most, without sacrificing quality, is the goal of every Real Time Crime Center, and Flock Safety delivers. 

  • Increases officer engagement; prevents future incidents

As part of a Real Time Crime Center, or independently, Flock Safety improves both the speed and quality of the information delivered to law enforcement, freeing up your most crucial team members to analyze pertinent data and produce more successful outcomes. Higher success rates foster public confidence in local law enforcement and motivate future leads to be followed up more thoroughly. The timesaving features of Flock Safety’s cloud-based real-time intelligence platform allow team members more time to research, detect, and disrupt crime trends, reducing the likelihood of even more incidents and strengthening neighborhood safety.

  • Saves money spent on redundant tech; decreases transaction time spent toggling between programs

When an officer gathers information for analysis during a distress call, it can take a considerable amount of time to manually filter and organize it, such as suspect automobile descriptions, criminal records, etc. The Real-Time Crime Center filters and organizes information automatically, providing an interactive and searchable map of data, complete with relevant photos, files, and real-time footage. Investigators can access a wide variety of data sources, such as CCTV recordings, electronic monitoring, LPR cameras, or criminal histories, all through a single platform rather than logging into each interface separately. The RTCC interface compiles the most important information into one place, reducing the need to toggle between programs. 

Tips for Building a Digital Real-Time Crime Center

Be transparent with your community

Before launching a Real-Time Crime Center or leveraging any sort of situational awareness tools, law enforcement organizations should engage with members of the community to educate residents about the use of police technologies and resolve any privacy concerns. Public disclosure of real-time crime response reports enhances confidence and trust in policing institutions and information-gathering technologies.

Scale as you grow by layering technology

With no minimum order quantity, you can pay as you add the best LPR cameras, gunshot and audio detection devices, live video streams, and integrated third-party intelligence.

Centralized intelligence in your RTCC, but decentralize access to officers in the field

Consolidating multiple systems and streams of data is important for reducing workflow friction at your real-time intelligence center or RTCC. But it’s important to remember that communities remain safe and secure in mission-critical incidents thanks to the trust, communication, transparency, and a team of first responders enabled with real-time intelligence in the field. Law enforcement that responds to crime with careful, focused action remains safe and drives better outcomes for victims, suspects, bystanders, and the community at large. First responders who can access simplified, actionable data to inform their decisions are better equipped to aid their community in an emergency.

Flock Safety is a public safety operating system that helps communities and law enforcement in 5000+ cities work together to eliminate crime, protect privacy, and mitigate bias. We build devices that capture objective evidence and use machine learning to create and deliver unbiased investigative leads to law enforcement. Flock Safety serves 5000 cities in 45+ states and is helping solve hundreds of crimes every day.

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