Name: Casey Howse
Job Title: Customer Onboarding Specialist
Start Date: 06/08/2020
Spirit Bird: African Penguin
Hi there! My name is Casey Howse and I am a Customer Onboarding Specialist at Flock Safety living in sunny Orlando. I joined the Flock because, honestly, I was searching for a way to help make a difference in the world. After a crazy year of surprises, a pandemic, unexpectedly not being able to leave my home and not knowing if I could even visit my family, I knew that the one thing I could control was what I spent my time doing. I wanted to do work that helped make people’s lives better.
What has always helped me when I’m searching for something I can’t define is reading. I picked up a book called 48 Days To the Work You Love, and on the 48th day I accepted my job Flock Safety… no, I’m not kidding! While reading the book, I learned that I wasn’t just searching for a job. I wanted to find a community of people and a company that shared the same passion I have, to do my part to make the world a better place. When I found Flock Safety, I knew I had found a group of people who were going to change the world. Now, I have the opportunity every day to help my customers make their communities safer… how cool is that?! I have always loved to help people, and now I get to do it from my favorite place in the world.