After nearly 30 years in law enforcement, I’ve seen firsthand how scattered data can slow down investigations. Officers and analysts often waste valuable time searching through multiple systems, chasing leads that should be available at their fingertips. That’s why the launch of Flock Nova is transformative for public safety.
Flock Nova is a data integration and intelligence platform that removes data barriers, bringing together key information from your Flock Safety devices, Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD), Records Management Systems (RMS), and other sources. It turns raw data into useful information in real-time, giving public safety professionals the awareness they need to make informed decisions, improving results.
FlockOS set the standard for sensor monitoring, providing a clear view of real-time threats in one place. Now, Flock Nova promises to deliver the same capability for data, smoothly integrating investigative information to speed up case resolution.
Thinking back, I can remember a number of cases this technology would have made huge differences in, but one in particular stands out. It began with a single murder, with little to no evidence or leads. Over several months, three more murders occurred — some appearing to be random street encounters. Detectives spent thousands of hours investigating, eventually linking the crimes to a single suspect through luck and chance.
While the suspect was ultimately arrested, this technology could have identified him much sooner, preventing further loss of life. That’s the difference this type of technology can make. Its adoption by departments across the country will save lives.
I’ve experienced first-hand the reality that solving crime today requires more than just hard work—it requires the right technology. Flock Nova will help agencies use their data better, ensuring officers and investigators can work faster, make better choices, and keep their communities safer.
Key takeaways:
Public safety professionals don’t have time to search for leads in disparate databases—it needs to be available when needed. This isn’t just another software platform; it’s a real solution that helps agencies solve crimes faster and more efficiently.