Case Study | Fidelis

30 minutes

for 1st arrest

1+ weekly



Retail center experiencing theft, disorderly conduct, and violent crimes


LPR and video cameras significantly reduce violent crimes and theft

Case study

Flock Safety Cameras Aid Police In Minnesota Shopping Center Arrest Just 30 Minutes After Going Live

September 19, 2024
Just 30 minutes after installing Flock Safety LPR cameras, Roseville Police used them to identify and arrest a violent crime suspect.

Minnesota Shopping Center Experiences A Rise In Theft, Disorderly Conduct & Violent Crimes

Fidelis is a commercial real estate group  that owns retail shopping centers across Texas and numerous states throughout the Midwest. After purchasing a shopping center in 2022 in Roseville, Minnesota, that was experiencing high levels of crime from theft, disorderly conduct, and violent crimes, they immediately began taking steps to help enforce safety. They were also dealing with a large homeless population setting up encampments on their property. 

Senior Property Manager John Heppler spoke with Roseville’s police chief, who recommended that they install Flock Safety license plate recognition (LPR) cameras around their shopping centers. They also installed Flock Safety Condor™, for live and recorded video. The chief credited Flock Safety cameras as the main tool used to significantly reduce crime at another shopping center in the area. Heppler was keen on the cameras’ ability to provide actionable evidence for law enforcement to solve crime. He also knew that a heavier law enforcement presence in the area could deter future crime.

“Security, whenever they deal with somebody that has to be removed from the property or gets arrested, they issue a criminal trespassing warning against them. So with that information if they’re driving a vehicle, now I can add them to a Hot List. And security knows as soon as they pull onto the property. So they can respond a lot quicker.” - John Heppler, Senior Property Manager - Fidelis 

"Security, whenever they deal with somebody that has to be removed from the property or gets arrested, they issue a criminal trespassing warning against them. So with that information if they’re driving a vehicle, now I can add them to a Hot List. And security knows as soon as they pull onto the property. So they can respond a lot quicker."
John Heppler | Senior Property Manager, Fidelis

Flock Safety Cameras Help Police Make Arrest Within 30 Minutes of Going Live

Heppler said it didn’t take long to see the impact Flock Safety LPR cameras have on solving crime. Just thirty minutes after installing the cameras, the Roseville Police made an arrest for a suspect who was wanted for a violent crime involving a firearm. The cameras helped identify the individual’s license plate and vehicle details. Police were able to stake out in the parking lot and make the arrest when the suspect came out of their vehicle.

"Within 30 minutes of going live, Roseville Police made their first arrest."
John Heppler | Senior Property Manager, Fidelis

As of 2024, Roseville PD has averaged 1+ arrests per week since implementing the Flock system a couple of months ago. Heppler said this is a significant increase in police activity and arrests compared to what they experienced before installing Flock. He said previously the relationship between their retail center and law enforcement was very weak. He is grateful that having Flock Safety has strengthened this relationship and provides police with the critical evidence needed to respond to criminal activity.

Heppler said that he is particularly grateful that Flock Safety has played an instrumental role in reducing violent crimes.

"I think the biggest impact is that it’s keeping the more notorious and violent criminals away from the property, which is what we want. We wanted a safe place for our customers and tenants."
John Heppler | Senior Property Manager, Fidelis

Heppler is looking forward to expanding coverage at their other shopping centers.

“Just looking at the stats that are coming in from my property alone. Our owner wants to roll it out on all of his properties now,” - John Heppler - John Heppler, Senior Property Manager - Fidelis 

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Flock Safety Cameras Aid Police In Minnesota Shopping Center Arrest Just 30 Minutes After Going Live

Just 30 minutes after installing Flock Safety LPR cameras, Roseville Police used them to identify and arrest a violent crime suspect.

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Flock Safety Cameras Aid Police In Minnesota Shopping Center Arrest Just 30 Minutes After Going Live

Just 30 minutes after installing Flock Safety LPR cameras, Roseville Police used them to identify and arrest a violent crime suspect.

Recorded on Sep 19, 2024

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Flock Safety Cameras Aid Police In Minnesota Shopping Center Arrest Just 30 Minutes After Going Live

Just 30 minutes after installing Flock Safety LPR cameras, Roseville Police used them to identify and arrest a violent crime suspect.

Recorded on Sep 19, 2024

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