Law Enforcement

September 2022 Product Release Notes

September 30, 2022

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Law Enforcement

September 2022 Product Release Notes

As part of Flock Safety’s Safety-as-a-Service approach, we are committed to delivering world-class devices, installation, maintenance, one-on-one support, and ongoing enhancements to our software platform that evolve with your needs. This September ‘22 release helps law enforcement users access real-time intelligence with fewer clicks.


Create, edit, and delete Camera Groups for faster searches

Create custom camera groupings directly from your Camera Map modal within the Search page. Select cameras from your camera list or geofence cameras you want to search on the map to narrow search results more quickly and reduce clicks.

Receive faster Hot List notifications in seconds

We enhanced your Hot List tool so your Hot List notifications arrive more quickly. Now, when a Flock Safety ALPR camera captures an image of a suspect vehicle, your patrol officers will receive a notification in seconds.

Improve visibility with a clutter-free Map

We updated your Map so that when you zoom out, your icons consolidate into clusters, making it easier to maintain situational awareness in densely populated areas. 

Save time searching video footage

New enhancements to your VMS feature all you to jump ahead to the 1-minute, 5-minute, or 7-day mark and drag the cursor forward or backward to pinpoint the footage you need more quickly.

Generate audits faster

We optimized your data storage so you can pull faster audit reports with fewer errors using Insights.

Delete Outcomes to improve reporting accuracy

Mistakes happen. Now, if a user accidentally reports that a Search result or Hot List alert resulted in “Apprehended/Not Apprehended” using the Outcomes Capture feature, it can be deleted to ensure accurate data.  

Report on plate capture rates per camera

Now, when you download a CSV of your Plate Reads report, you can filter by camera location and date to understand how many plates each individual camera captures on a daily basis. 

Coming Soon

Navigate the Flock Safety platform with ease

You don’t have time to click around while working on a case. Starting October 11, 2022, we’re making your software navigation experience more intuitive, getting you to the critical data you need to do your job fast.

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