Traffic Analytics unlocks the potential of your existing Flock Safety License Plate Reader technology for critical traffic management insights
This transformative software solution captures unique and total vehicle counts across the LPR network you already use. Data is aggregated in 15 minute bins for fine-grained analysis
Flock’s Vehicle Fingerprint® technology provides more information for greater data collection, allowing segmentation by vehicle state, class, and make.
Enhance cross-agency cooperation with secure, coordinated sharing for a detailed understanding of traffic flows to optimize planning and day-to-day management.
This seamlessly integrated solution that brings together hardware and software, all tailored to your existing LPR infrastructure.
Leverage Flock Safety's national LPR network to gather the right data for safer traffic planning and roadways. Share and receive traffic insights securely between law enforcement, parks departments, emergency management, economic development and/or transportation agencies, fostering a united front in community safety efforts.
Traffic Engineering: expand your network of continuous counting stations
Emergency Management: Use historical traffic data to develop evacuation and emergency response plans
Resource Planning: Leverage historical data to strategically deploy safety and enforcement resources
Economic Development: Leverage data on traffic in your city to understand economic trends and make better strategic investments
Traffic studies are often conducted manually and only cover a short time period, resulting in limited insights. Traffic Analytics is a cost effective tool for collecting precise, historic data without additional expensive products designed for monitoring or incident detection..
Of crime in the U.S. solved by Flock
Communities use Flock to deter and eliminate crime
Decrease in residential burglary