Case Study | Friedman’s Home Improvement


Frequent shoplifting cases put employee safety at risk


LPR cameras reduce shrink and enhance employee safety

Reduction in shrink within 4 months
Value of items recovered in 1 case
Stores saw a significant drop in theft cases
Case study

Flock Safety Helps Friedman’s Home Improvement Reduce Shrink By 23% Within 4 Months

September 10, 2024

Frequent Shoplifting Cases Puts Employees At Risk 

Friedman’s Home Improvement is a California-based home improvement retailer with multiple locations across the state. They were struggling with rising shoplifting that led to high volumes of shrinkage for their stores. The shoplifting cases also put their employees at risk of danger, because some employees wanted to address the situation directly by following the suspects with the stolen items out at the parking lot. Safety Manager Heide Whitney reached out to a detective at their local law enforcement agency. They recommended Flock Safety’s license plate recognition (LPR) cameras because it provides the actionable evidence needed to identify suspects and solve the crime. Having law enforcement’s stamp of approval and partnership was a big selling point for Whitney. 

Friedman’s Home Improvement Sees 23% Reduction in Shrinkage

Friedman’s Home Improvement installed Flock Safety  LPR cameras and deterrence signage around the perimeter of their store. In the first 4 months since installation, they saw a 23% reduction in shrinkage compared to the same time frame of the previous year.

“We’ve seen a significant reduction in our overall shrink in the stores that we’ve installed Flock Safety. And it’s not just within our tool department where we see these thefts. It’s just overall within the 2 buildings, which has been huge for us to think that just putting these cameras up made a big difference.” - Heide Whitney - Safety Manager, Friedman’s Home Improvement

“We’ve seen a significant reduction in our overall shrink in the stores that we’ve installed Flock Safety. And it’s not just within our tool department where we see these thefts. It’s just overall within the 2 buildings, which has been huge for us to think that just putting these cameras up made a big difference.”
Heide Whitney | Safety Manager, Friedman’s Home Improvement

Whitney also credits the deterrence signage for helping reduce the shoplifting rate. She said it sends a message that their store is vigilant making it an unappealing place for crime.

Flock Safety Helps Solve Grand Larceny Case 

Whitney recalls one particular incident that truly exemplified the major impact that Flock Safety is making on solving crime.  An ORC gang had robbed Friedman’s before they installed Flock. The initial hit was at night with 2 males, a red mini van and $2,000 worth of merchandise stolen from this first robbery.  At that time, Friedman’s had no information and evidence to share with law enforcement.

After Flock was installed, the gang showed up again in the same vehicle. Friedman’s team recognized the vehicle, saw what was going on, and called law enforcement. A team member got the license plate and other vehicle data from Flock Safety’s system and sent the information to law enforcement.

As the ORC gang was traveling southbound, the Sheriff’s department made an apprehension two exits away from Friedman’s. They were charged with multiple felonies including grand theft, conspiracy, organized retail crime, and burglary with intent to commit crime. There were $3,000 worth of items that were recovered from the second theft. And Friedman’s is currently seeking $2,000 of restitution in court for the first theft.

Flock Safety Cameras Enhance Employee Safety

Whitney said as an organization that truly values their employees, she is most grateful for the way Flock Safety is helping to protect her team and give them peace of mind.

“It’s knowing that our team no longer has that frustration, that they feel safe. That we’re no longer putting people in danger. And then we’re able to still make those arrests and not risk people’s lives in the process of it.” - Heide Whitney - Safety Manager, Friedman’s Home Improvement

“It’s knowing that our team no longer has that frustration, that they feel safe. That we’re no longer putting people in danger. And then we’re able to still make those arrests and not risk people’s lives in the process of it.”
Heide Whitney - Safety Manager | Friedman’s Home Improvement

Whitney also appreciates how the technology has helped strengthen their relationship with law enforcement.

She said Flock Safety is definitely worth the investment and they are looking into other locations to install more cameras.

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Flock Safety Helps Friedman’s Home Improvement Reduce Shrink By 23% Within 4 Months

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Flock Safety Helps Friedman’s Home Improvement Reduce Shrink By 23% Within 4 Months

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Flock Safety Helps Friedman’s Home Improvement Reduce Shrink By 23% Within 4 Months

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